ERA Rejected Rubirizi Electricity Power Plan


The Electricity Regulatory Authority has rejected the application by Rubirizi Electricity Power Energy plan to develop a 6.5 MW power plant on River Kyambura. The project couldn’t coexist with wildlife conservation in the area.

On September 15th, 2021, ERA received a notice for an intended application to license the Rubirizi EP Ltd for constructing a power plant.

This erected many tourism stakeholders to critics the move, and well conservation joy has surfaced as after new that ERA has offered the Kyambura River for conservation.

Kyambura River is a part of the Kyambura forest reserve a stretcher of Queen Elizabeth National Park. This is commonly known for residing a number of wildlife species and loudly the chimpanzees and it’s another suggestion for chimpanzee tracking.

The rejection is testimony that ERA is stakeholder sensitive to conservation, it’s applause to conservation stakeholders.


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